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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 06/24/2011
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If you see the date changing on this page, without an announcement in this section, it is probably something like fixing minor coding problems, spelling errors, minor layout changes, new page on this site (so I changed bottom index), ... Any major changes to this page, will be announced here.
June 24, 2011 I just noticed that their first CD/LP is being rereleased with bonus tracks. If you don't alread have their first, now is the time to buy it.
November 24, 2010 Recoil, the John Cippolina documentary on three DVDs is now out. The DVD includes interviews with John as well as contemporaries. The DVD includes musical performances from many of the bands he was in. The DVD can be purchased at http://www.johncipollina.com/. This is a limited edition release, only 2,000 are being pressed.
November 3, 2009 Cracking The Vaults. Today, Wolfgangs Vault just added a lot of new lives show for listening and purchase. Here is the link for Quicksilver Messenger Service in Wolfgangs Vault.
August 18, 2008 It now looks like there will be a series of live CDs featuring their original line up. Shows to be released on CD include:
September 9, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA
October 28, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA
February 4, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (2CD Set)
February 6, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA
April 4, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (2CD Set)
November 4, 2008 I got my copies and have started listening to them. There are a few tunes that I had not heard before.May 31, 2007. You can now listen to streaming free music from this band as well as others at Wolfgangs Vault.
July 18, 2005. I just noticed that the ezBoard message board that I had set up for this web site had been deleted. Since restoration of the deleted conference is only available to subscribers to their service, and since the activity was relatively light, I not planning on looking for another message board. If you do think a message board is worth while, or you have a message board that you like, let me know and I may promote it here. As always you can contact me here.
March 10, 2001. It looks like I may have been premature in moving to a new web hosting site. I just found out that whenever Tripod.com is having hardware or software problems with their servers, they put up a message for the webmaster that their site is in violation of terms, and the web site has been deleted (instead of a message about system problems and try again later). Anyway, I believed Tripod.com when they said they deleted my account, so I will be moving, and making chromeoxide.com my new home on the web.
March 10, 2001. As long as I am moving my entire site, I decided to make a few changes to the layout of the individual pages, and the web site in general, including (but not limited to) I removed the counter, and moved the listings of mirror sites to the bottom of the page, ...
March 6, 2001. Sometime between March 1 to March 5, 2001 Tripod deleted my account/web site. The last stats Tripod gave me were 9,000+ visitors per month. Since my site is so popular, I have decided to keep it going, in spite of this major setback. But rather than trying to build up another free web site, and possibly deal with this problem again, I decided go with CommandLine.net to host the new chromeoxide.com.
October 31, 2000. The new Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages Message Board is provided by EZBoard.
January 11, 2000. I just picked up Unreleased - Lost Gold And Silver. A 2 CD set. Disc 1 is live material from 1968. Disc 2 is studio alternate takes, and rare studio recordings. This is a must get for any serious fan.
October 31, 1999. There used to be a complete listing of all the bands featured on this site at the bottom of each page on this site. The complete band list has now been moved to the Site Map.
Back in June 1997 when I started this site, the index at the bottom of the page seemed like a good idea. Due to the amazing growth of this site, I now think that the Site Map is a better way to do it.
I will continue to list the featured band of the month at the bottom of each page on this site.
December 3, 2002 CD Now is undergoing changes, and asked that ALL links be removed.
October 28, 1999 I signed up with CD Now.October 22, 1999. The Chrome Oxide Music Collector Pages web site hit the big time! And I didn't even know it.
Tripod stats showed that this web site had more than 4,000 unique visitors last month (September 1999). Because of that, Tripod has increased my web space from 11mb to 50mb.
May 21, 1999. On the advice of legal counsel, we have now added a copyright notice, and legal disclaimer to the bottom of each page on this web site.
March 31, 1999. I started a new section on this page, Classifieds. Now, if someone is interesed in putting an ad here, or I find something I think is worthwhile, there is a place for it.
March 16, 1999. Thanks to a recent visitor to this page, we now have a logo for the Chrome Oxide Music Collectors Pages, as well as a new background and seperator bars. There may be additional changes to look forward to as well.
September 10, 1998. I combined the Mirror Sites and the counter section into one place.
July 22, 1998. I started working on this page.
[Top (page index)] [Up] [Down] [Bottom (site index)]Quicksilver Messenger Service started out as a psychedelic rock band from San Francisco in the mid to late 1960s. Lead by dual guitars of John Cipollina and Gary Duncan, this band liked jamming, and was much more of a live band than a studio band. After the first two albums, they evolved into a more straight ahead rock and roll sound. This page is dedicated to the more psychedelic sound created by the dual lead guitars and the extended jams they performed at their live shows.
Comments and corrections would be appreciated.
And of course, any audio-video-print additions to my collection would be appreciated.
I am also interested in getting wider exposure for this site. So links from your site to mine would be appreciated. And if you know of any sites that allow/encourage submission, I would also appreciate knowing about them as well.
Do you have any articles, books, albums, tapes, CDs, ... on this band that you would like reviewed and / or integrated into this page?
Do you have any other band that you would like to see a page for on this site?
Please send to:
Chrome Oxide
P.O.Box 8106
Mission Hills, CA 91346-8106
Chrome Oxide ![]()
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PERSONNEL: late 1964 to mid 1965 Jim Murray - vocals, harp, guitar John Cipollina - guitar Skip Spence - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Casey Sonoban - drums PERSONNEL: mid 1965 to October 1967 Jim Murray - vocals, harp, guitar John Cipollina - guitar Gary Duncan - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums PERSONNEL: October 1967 to January 1969 John Cipollina - guitar Gary Duncan - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums PERSONNEL: January 1969 to December 1969 John Cipollina - guitar Nicky Hopkins - piano David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums John Cipollina died May 29, 1989![]()
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PERSONNEL: late 1964 to mid 1965 Jim Murray - vocals, harp, guitar John Cipollina - guitar Skip Spence - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Casey Sonoban - drumsI don't have a whole lot of information on the band, other than, when they were rehearsing at the Matrix, Marty Balin (then owner of the club) picked Skip Spence to be the drummer for Jefferson Airplane (which was then just forming). And Casey Sonoban left shortly thereafter.
1966 Live Shows
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PERSONNEL: mid 1965 to October 1967 Jim Murray - vocals, harp, guitar John Cipollina - guitar Gary Duncan - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums LIVE SHOW: ???????? 1965 (rehearsal) (40 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: December 1965 Christmas Party LIVE SHOW: January 1, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: February 3, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: February 4, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: February 5, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 6, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: February 12, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 26, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 4, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 5, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 11, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: March 12, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: March 18, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 19, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: March 20, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: March 25, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 26, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 27, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 1, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 8, 1966 California Hall, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 9, 1966 Longshoremen's Hall, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 9, 1966 USF Gym, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: April 10, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 22, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 23, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 29, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 30, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: May 5, 1966 U.CAL Arts Festival, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: May 13, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 14, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 20, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: May 21, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: May 30, 1966 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 3, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 4, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 10, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 11, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 17, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 18, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 24, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 25, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 1, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 2, 1966 Monterey Fairgrounds, Monterey, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 2, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 3, 1966 Monterey Fairgrounds, Monterey, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 3, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 10, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 22, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 23, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 28, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 29, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 30, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 7, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 9, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA (p1) (70 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: August 10, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: August 11, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: August 17, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 19, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: August 20, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: August 26, 1966 IDES Hall, Pescadero, CA LIVE SHOW: August 27, 1966 IDES Hall, Pescadero, CA LIVE SHOW: August 28, 1966 IDES Hall, Pescadero, CA LIVE SHOW: August 26 or 27 or 28, 1966 Bicycle Race and Folk-Rock Festival, Pescadero, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 3, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: September 4, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show Bill Graham Intro 0:08 Got Mojo Workin' 5:06 Dino's Song 3:21 Hair Like Sunshine 5:04 Gold And Silver 3:01 Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 4:21 Smokestack Lightning 10:52 Your Time Will Come 5:45 All Night Worker 3:30 Hoochie Coochie Man 4:43 LIVE SHOW: September 9, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) Stand By Me Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Pride Of Man Smokestack Lightning Codine Gold and Silver Hoochie Koochie Man LIVE SHOW: September 10, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 14, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA released: California Christmas I Got My Mojo Working The Fool LIVE SHOW: September 16, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (40 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: September 1966 San Jose, CA (q7) All Night Worker (q7) Walkin' Blues (q7) I Hear You Knockin' (It's Too Late) (q7) If you Live, Your Time Will come (q7) Smokestack Lightning (q7) Who Do You Love LIVE SHOW: September 30, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: 1966, San Jose (tape 45 minutes) LIVE SHOW: September/October 1966 San Jose, CA (this looks the same as above 9/66) All Night Worker Walkin' Blues If you Live, Your Time Will come Smokestack Lightning Who Do You Love I Hear You Knockin' (It's Too Late) LIVE SHOW: October 1, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 8, 1966 Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 1966 San Jose, CA (q7) Mona LIVE SHOW: October 22, 1966 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 28, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) Mona If You Live Your Time Will Come Smokestack Lightning Dandelion Codeine Runaway Pride Of Man LIVE SHOW: October 29, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 31, 1966 California Hall, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 4, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: November 5, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) I Hear You Knockin' Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - set 1 I Got My Mojo Working 4:45 (wv) You Don't Love Me 2:39 (wv) Suzy Q 3:46 (wv) Hootchie Cootchie Man 6:26 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 5:18 (wv) Gold And Silver 2:48 (wv) Stand By Me 5:10 (wv) Pride Of Man 3:50 Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - set 2 (wv) Dino's Song 3:19 (wv) Long Distance Call 6:12 (wv) Hair Like Sunshine 4:16 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 4:28 (wv) Smokestack Lightning 11:55 (wv) Your Time Will Come 5:49 (wv) All Night Worker 4:24 (wv) Duncan and Brady 2:46 LIVE SHOW: November 6, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Got My Mojo Working 5:11 (wv) You Don't Love Me 2:50 (wv) Hootchie Cootchie Man 5:51 (wv) Suzy Q 4:12 (wv) Codine 5:24 (wv) Stand By Me 5:02 (wv) Pride Of Man 4:31 (wv) Mona 8:44 LIVE SHOW: November 13, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 18, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 19, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 20, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Introduction / Dino's Song 4:09 (wv) You Don't Love Me 3:19 (wv) I Hear You Knockin' 4:16 (wv) Gold And Silver 3:21 (wv) Codine 5:13 (wv) Suzy Q 4:19 (wv) Hey Mama, Keep Your Big Mouth Shut 3:26 (wv) Pride Of Man 3:08 LIVE SHOW: November 25, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 26, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 27, 1966 Telegraph Hill Center, Berkeley, CA LIVE SHOW: December 16, 1966 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: December 16, 1966 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: December 17, 1966 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: December 28, 1966 Governor's Hall, Sacramento, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 30, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: December 31, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (q5) Pride Of Man (q5) Smokestack Lightning (q5) Codine (q5) Gold and Silver (q5) Hoochie Koochie Man LIVE SHOW: date/location unknown released: California New Years Smokestack Lightning![]()
1967 Live Shows
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PERSONNEL: mid 1965 to October 1967 Jim Murray - vocals, harp, guitar John Cipollina - guitar Gary Duncan - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums STUDIO SESSION: 1967 Pacific High Studios, San Francisco, CA (qc) Codine (qc) Your Time Will Come (qc) Too Long (qc) Who Do You Love (qc) Walkin' Blues LIVE SHOW: January 6, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 7, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 14, 1967 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: January 26, 1967 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 27, 1967 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 27, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 28, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 3, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: February 4, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - early show (wv) You Don't Love Me 2:57 (wv) I Hear You Knockin' 3:52 (wv) Acapulco Gold And Silver 2:25 (wv) All Night Worker 4:12 (wv) Codine 5:08 (wv) Got My Mojo Working 4:28 (wv) Mona 8:51 (wv) What A Fool I Was To Fall (For You) (A Fool For You) 2:27 (wv) Don't Tell Me You're Sorry (I Can't Believe It) 4:27 (wv) A Strange, Funny World (Look Around) 2:56 Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - late show (wv) Dino's Song 3:18 (wv) Walkin' Blues 3:01 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 4:46 (wv) Hoochie Coochie Man 5:26 (wv) Stand By Me 5:51 (wv) It's Been Too Long (Drivin Wheel) 4:18 (wv) Duncan and Brady 3:14 (wv) Pride Of Man 4:16 (wv) Who Do You Love 6:16 LIVE SHOW: February 5, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - early show (wv) Suzie Q 2:04 (wv) I Hear You Knockin' 4:07 (wv) Dandelion 2:32 (wv) Acapulco Gold And Silver 2:55 (wv) You Don't Love Me 3:21 (wv) Codine 4:59 (wv) Happy Song 3:18 (wv) Smokestack Lightning 6:58 Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - late show (wv) Dino's Song 3:17 (wv) Walkin' Blues 2:57 (wv) Been Too Long 4:23 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 4:57 (wv) Hey Mama, Keep Your Big Mouth Shut 2:44 (wv) Hoochie Coochie Man 5:15 (wv) All Night Worker 4:06 (wv) Stand By Me 5:55 (wv) Pride Of Man 3:57 LIVE SHOW: February 6, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) You Don't Love Me 3:04 (wv) All Night Worker 4:07 (wv) Gold And Silver 2:37 (wv) Hey Mama, Keep Your Big Mouth Shut 3:07 (wv) Walkin' Blues 5:09 (wv) Year Of The Outrage 8:53 (wv) I Hear You Knockin' 4:01 (wv) Fool For You 3:47 (wv) I Can't Believe It 5:30 LIVE SHOW: February 14, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: February 17, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 18, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 10, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 11, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 12, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: March 17, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 18, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 19, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA (p1) (90 minute tape ?) Suzie Q. I Hear You Knockin' Little Dandelion Gold And Silver You Don't Love Me Codine Happy Song Smokestack Lightning Dino's Song Walkin' Blues Too Long Duncan And Brady Babe I'm Gonna Leave You If You Live Hoochie Coochie Man All Night Worker Pride Of Man Mona Got My Mojo Workin' Who Do You Love LIVE SHOW: March 21, 1967 San Venetia Armory, San Rafael, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 21, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 21, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 22, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: March 23, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 24, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: March 25, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: March 26, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 31, 1967 Longshoremen's Hall, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 7, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 8, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 8, 1967 KPIX-TV, San Francisco, CA Pride Of Man Walkin' Blues LIVE SHOW: April 9, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 12, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 19, 1967 Longshoreman's Hall, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: April 21, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 22, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 19, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 20, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 21, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 30, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 2, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 3, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 6, 1967 Both/And Club, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 7, 1967 Both/And Club, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 8, 1967 Both/And Club, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 17, 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, Monterey, CA (http://psychedelicsight.com/quicksilver-setlists/) Dino's Song If You Live Gold And Silver It's Been Too Long Who Do You Love? LIVE SHOW: June 21, 1967 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 24, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 25, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: June 27, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 28, 1967 Western Front, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 29, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 30, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June ??, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (45 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: July 1, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 2, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 3, 1967 Pasadena Civic Exhibition Hall, CA LIVE SHOW: July 4, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 7, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 8, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 9, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 10, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 14, 1967 Continental Ballroom, Santa Clara, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 15, 1967 Continental Ballroom, Santa Clara, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 21, 1967 Straight Theatre, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 5, 1967 San Jose, CA LIVE SHOW: August 10, 1967 Dr. Sunday's Medicine Show (tape 45 minute) LIVE SHOW: August 17, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 18, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 19, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 20, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 4, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: September 14, 1967 Santa Rosa Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 14, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (early show) Got My Mojo Workin' Dino's Song Long Distance Call Silver And Gold Baby I'm Gonna' Leave You Smokestack Lightening If You Live LIVE SHOW: September 14, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (late Show) All Night Worker Dino's Song You Don't Love Me I hear You Knockin' Silver And Gold Codine Suzy Q Hey Moma LIVE SHOW: September 15-16, 1967 1601 West Evans Street, Denver, CO (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 30, 1967 Santa Barbara, CA LIVE SHOW: 1967, Avalon (tape 45 minutes) LIVE SHOW: September 1967 San Jose (tape 70 minute) STUDIO SESSION: 1967, demos (tape 20 minutes) STUDIO SESSION: 1967 ? demos (a4) Your Time Will Come (a4) Who Do You Love (Part 1) PERSONNEL: October 1967 to January 1969 John Cipollina - guitar Gary Duncan - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums LIVE SHOW: October 5, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) (tape 40 minute) LIVE SHOW: October 6, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: October 7, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: October 8, 1967 Family Park, San Jose, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 22, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: October 27, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 28, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 29, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 31, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: 1967 San Jose, CA (q6) All Night Worker (q6) I Hear You Knockin' (It's Too Late) (q6) If you Live, Your Time Will come (q6) Smokestack Lightning (q6) Who Do You Love (q6) Back Door Man (q6) Gold And Silver (q6) Codine (q6) The Fool![]()
1967 Studio Sessions
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LIVE SHOW: November 13, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA STUDIO SESSION: November 13, 1967 (a4) I Don't Want To Spoil Your Party (Dino's Song) (a4) Acapulco Gold and Silver STUDIO SESSION: 1967 demos (a4) I Hear You Knockin' (a4) Back Door Man (a4) Walkin' Blues (a4) Calvary STUDIO SESSION: 1967 demos (tape 50 minute) STUDIO SESSION: 1967 movie soundtrack "Revolution" (Jim Murray was in the band during filming, but left before the band before) (they went into the studio to record their tracks for the soundtrack album.) (a4) Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (a4) Codine STUDIO SESSION: 1967 demos (qc) Dino's Song (qc) Acapulco Gold and Silver (qc) Light Your Windows (qc) I Hear You Knockin' (qc) The Fool (qc) Calvary STUDIO SESSION: 1967 demos (q0) Pride Of Man (q0) Light Your Windows (q0) I Hear You Knockin' (It's Too Late) (q0) Back Door Man (q2) Dino's Song (q0) I Don't Want To Spoil Your Party (q2) The Fool (q2) A Love Song (q2) untitled
STUDIO SESSION: Quicksilver Messenger Service - 1st album (May 1968 release) recorded: December 1967 (a1) Pride Of Man (December 6, 1967) (a1) Light Your Windows (a1) Dino's Song (March 3, 1968) (a1) Gold and Silver (a1) It's Been Too Long (a1) The Fool (December 19, 1967) BONUS TRACKS: (a4) Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (from Revolution soundtrack) (a4) Codine (from Revolution soundtrack) (??) Dino's Song (alternate take) (??) Acapulco Gold and Silver (alternate take) (??) I Hear You Knockin' (It's Too Late) (??) Back Door Man (??) The Fool (alternate take) (??) Light Your Windows (live) (a4)(qb)Stand By Me LIVE SHOW: December 15, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 16, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 16, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 17, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 17, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 18, 1967 Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 19, 1967 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA ? Fillmore or Avalon or Winterland ? LIVE SHOW: December 29, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: December 29, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: December 29, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Who Do You Love? 10:37 (wv) Gold & Silver (Incomplete) 11:46 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 1:40 (wv) Walkin' Blues 4:22 (wv) It's Been Too Long 3:50 LIVE SHOW: December 30, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: December 30, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA ? Fillmore or Avalon or Winterland ? LIVE SHOW: December 31, 1967 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Instrumental 7:25 (wv) Pride Of Man 3:45 (wv) Who Do You Love 9:28 (wv) If You Live 4:07 (wv) It's Been Too Long 3:12 (wv) Smokestack Lightning 10:06 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 4:42 (wv) Gold And Silver 11:05 (wv) Dino's Song 3:05 (wv) Back Door Man 4:11 (wv) Mona / Maiden Of The Cancer Moon 8:53 LIVE SHOW: ? December 31, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA ? LIVE SHOW: ? December 31, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA ? (45 minute tape ?)(60 minute CD?) (qa) Who Do You Love (qa) Instrumental Blues (qa) Smokestack Lightning (qa) It's Been Too Long (qa) Back Door Man (qa) Dino's Song (qa) Mona (qa) New Years Eve![]()
1968 Live Shows
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PERSONNEL: October 1967 to January 1969 John Cipollina - guitar Gary Duncan - guitar, vocals David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums LIVE SHOW: 1968 KMPX Broadcast (tape 30 minute) LIVE SHOW: January 12, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 13, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 14, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 17, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: January 20, 1968 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA LIVE SHOW: January 22, 1968 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA LIVE SHOW: January 26, 1968 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA LIVE SHOW: January 27, 1968 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA LIVE SHOW: January 29, 1968 Portland State College, OR LIVE SHOW: January 30, 1968 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR LIVE SHOW: February 2, 1968 Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 3, 1968 Crystal Ballroom, Portland, OR (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 4, 1968 South Oregon College, Ashland, OR LIVE SHOW: February 13, 1968 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA (30 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: February 23, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 24, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 25, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 8, 1968, Cheetah Club, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: March 9, 1968, Cheetah Club, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: March 19, 1968, Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA LIVE SHOW: March 20, 1968, Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA LIVE SHOW: March 21, 1968, Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA LIVE SHOW: March 22, 1968, Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA LIVE SHOW: March 23, 1968, Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA LIVE SHOW: March 24, 1968, Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA LIVE SHOW: March 29, 1968 Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 30, 1968 Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: March 1968, Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (q5) The Fool (q5) Light Your Windows (q5) Who Do You Love LIVE SHOW: April 4, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) band intro Mona If You Live Your Time Will Come Smokestack Lightning Dandelion Codeine Runaway Pride of Man jam LIVE SHOW: April 4, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Back Door Man Light Your Windows Who Do You Love Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Walkin Blues The Fool jam LIVE SHOW: April 5, 1968 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) (40 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: April 6, 1968 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - early show The Fool 13:26 Pride Of Man 3:46 Walkin' Blues 4:15 Light Your Windows 2:58 Who Do You Love 13:02 Smokestack Lightning 5:01 Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show - late show The Fool 9:49 Who Do You Love 8:58 Gold And Silver 13:11 It's Been Too Long 3:23 Back Door Man 4:03 LIVE SHOW: April 12, 1968 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: April 13, 1968 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: April 19, 1968 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: April 20, 1968 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: April 21, 1968 Kaleidoscope, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: April 26, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 27, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 28, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 10, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 11, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 12, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: May 17, 1968, Cheetah Club, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: May 18, 1968, Cheetah Club, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: May 19, 1968, Cheetah Club, Los Angeles, CA LIVE SHOW: May 30, 1968, Three Image, Miami Beach LIVE SHOW: May 31, 1968, Three Image, Miami Beach LIVE SHOW: June 1, 1968, Three Image, Miami Beach LIVE SHOW: June 3, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (65 minute CD = Prairie Rose) (possible the same as below) (q4)(q5)Back Door Man (q4) Gold and Silver (q4) Smokestack Lightning (q4) Dino's Song (q4) The Fool (q4) Who Do You Love (q4) Mona LIVE SHOW: June 6, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (90 minute tape ?) LIVE SHOW: June 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (possible the same as above/below) (q3) Back Door Man (q3) Gold and Silver (q3) Codine (q3) The Fool (q3) Smokestack Lightning (q3) Your Time Will Come LIVE SHOW: June 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (possible the same as above) Back Door Man Codine Mona Maiden Of The Cancer Moon Gold and Silver Smokestack Lightning Light Your Windows Dino's Song The Fool Who Do You Love Mona Maiden Of The Cancer Moon LIVE SHOW: June 7, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p1) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show Pride Of Man If You Live Your Time Will Come Dino's Song Back Door Man Acapulco Gold And Silver Mona Calvary (wv) Smokestack Lightning 11:08 (wv) Codine 6:43 (wv) Light Your Windows 3:02 (wv) Who Do You Love 13:39 (wv) The Fool 13:22 LIVE SHOW: June 8, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p1) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show Pride Of Man If You Live Your Time Will Come Dino's Song Back Door Man Acapulco Gold And Silver (wv) Mona 12.22 (wv) Pride Of Man 4:08 (wv) If You Live Your Time Will Come 4:25 (wv) Dino's Song 3:35 (wv) Back Door Man 4:58 (wv) Acapulco Gold And Silver 11:46 LIVE SHOW: June 13, 1968 Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA LIVE SHOW: June 14, 1968 Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA LIVE SHOW: June 15, 1968 Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA LIVE SHOW: June 18, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 19, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 20, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p1) ? San Francisco or Detroit, NOT likely both. LIVE SHOW: June 21, 1968 Grande Ballroom, Detroit MI LIVE SHOW: June 21, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 22, 1968 Grande Ballroom, Detroit MI LIVE SHOW: June 22, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 23, 1968 Grande Ballroom, Detroit MI LIVE SHOW: June 23, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 25, 1968 Generation Club, New York LIVE SHOW: June 26, 1968 Generation Club, New York LIVE SHOW: June 27, 1968 Generation Club, New York LIVE SHOW: June 28, 1968 Generation Club, New York LIVE SHOW: June 29, 1968 Generation Club, New York LIVE SHOW: June 30, 1968 Generation Club, New York LIVE SHOW: July 4, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: July 5, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: July 6, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: July 7, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: July 26, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 27, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: July 28, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 3 or 4, 1968 First Annal Newport Pop Festival, Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 11, 1968 Private Beach, Santa Cruz, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: August 14, 1968 Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA LIVE SHOW: August 16, 1968 Selland Arena, Fresno, CA (pe) LIVE SHOW: August 17, 1968 Municipal (Giants) Stadium, Phoenix, Arizona (pe) STUDIO SESSION: August 20, 1968, Golden State Recorders (qb) Get In Trouble LIVE SHOW: August 23, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: August 24, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: August 25, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: August 31, 1968 Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 1, 1968 Los Angeles Sports Arena, CA LIVE SHOW: September 3, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: September 8, 1968 University of New Mexico, NM LIVE SHOW: September 14, 1968 Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA STUDIO SESSION: September 16, 1968 (tape 20 minute) STUDIO SESSION: 45 (November 1968 release) (a4)(qb)Stand By Me (a4) Bears (September 17, 1968) LIVE SHOW: September 20, 1968 The Bank, Torrance, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 21, 1968 The Bank, Torrance, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: September 22, 1968 Del Mar Fairgrounds, San Diego, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 4, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 5, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October 6, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: October ??, 1968 St. Louis LIVE SHOW: October ??, 1968 Kansas City LIVE SHOW: October ??, 1968 Chicago LIVE SHOW: October ??, 1968 Milwaukee ? San Diego or Detroit, NOT both. LIVE SHOW: October 29, 1968 Del Mar Fairgrounds, San Diego, CA LIVE SHOW: October 29, 1968 Grande Ballroom, Detroit, MI (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 1, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p1) (p5) LIVE SHOW: November 2, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p1) (p5) LIVE SHOW: November 7, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Cowboys and Indians (Incomplete) 8:47 (wv) Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You 6:26 (wv) Smokestack Lightning 11:36 (wv) Mona 6:37 (wv) Maiden Of The Cancer Moon 4:14 (wv) Calvary 6:35 LIVE SHOW: November 8, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: November 9, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Smokestack Lightning 11:46 (wv) Suzie Q 4:46 LIVE SHOW: November 10, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) Wolfgang's Vault presents tracks from this show (wv) Smokestack Lightning 11:46 LIVE SHOW: November ??, 1968 Fillmore West Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (30 minute tape ?) (?? minute CD = Smokin' Sound) (qb) Mona (qb) Smokestack Lightning (qb) Who Do You Love (qb) Suzie Q LIVE SHOW: November ??, 1968 Fillmore West Auditorium, San Francisco, CA (San Franciscan Nights) jam/Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Smokestack Lightning Mona/Maiden Of The Cancer Moon/Calvary![]()
1968 Happy Trails
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STUDIO SESSION: November 19 1968, Golden State Recorders (q1)(q8)Stand By Me (alternate take) (q1)(q8)Calvary (alternate take) (q1)(q8)Happy Trails (alternate take) STUDIO SESSION: Happy Trails - 2nd album (March 1969 release) (a2) Who Do You Love (Fillmore East or West) (a2) Mona (Fillmore East or West) (a2) Maiden Of The Cancer Moon (Fillmore East or West) (a2) Calvary (11-19-68 Golden State Recorders) (a2) Happy Trails LIVE SHOW: November 28, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 29, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: November 30, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 31, 1968 Fillmore West Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: December 31, 1968 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) (? one or other, but not both ?) LIVE SHOW: 1968, Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (q1)(q8)Mona (q1)(q8)Maiden Of The Cancer Moon (q1)(q8)Calvary (q1)(q8)Smokestack Lightning LIVE SHOW: Summer of 1968 (78 minutes CD = Summer of 1968) (q9) Light Your Windows (q9) Dino's Song (q9) The Fool (q9) Who Do You Love (q9) Mona (q9) Smokestack Lightning (q9) Codine (q9) Back Door Man (q9) Acapulco Gold and Silver LIVE SHOW: 1968 (76 minutes CD = Unreleased - Lost Gold And Silver) (a4) Back Door Man (a4) Codine (a4) Gold and silver (a4) Smokestack Lightning (a4) Light Your Windows (a4) Dino's Song (a4) The Fool (a4) Who Do You Love (a4) Mona/Maiden of the Cancer Moon/Mona STUDIO SESSION: 45 I Hear You Knockin' (It's Too Late)![]()
1969 Shady Grove
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PERSONNEL: January 1969 to December 1969 John Cipollina - guitar Nicky Hopkins - piano David Freiberg - bass, vocals Greg Elmore - drums LIVE SHOW: February 21, 1969 Peterson Gym, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (p1) STUDIO SESSION: April 1969 demos (tape 15 minutes) STUDIO SESSION: October 1969 Shady Grove Sessions (tape 60 minutes) STUDIO SESSION: Shady Grove - 3rd album (December 1969 release) (? recorded July/August/September/October 1969 ?) (a3) Shady Grove (a3) Flute Song (a3) Three Or Four Feet From Home (July 23, 1969) (a3) Too Far (a3) Holy Moly (a3) Joseph's Coat (a3) Flashing Lonesome (a3) Words Can't Say (a3) Edward, The Mad Shirt Grinder (July 14, 1969) LIVE SHOW: August 22, 1969 Wild West Festival, Fillmore West Auditorium, San Francisco, CA LIVE SHOW: August 23, 1969 Wild West Festival, Family Dog LIVE SHOW: August 30, 1969 Seattle Pop Festival LIVE SHOW: August 30 or 31 or September 1, 1969 Sky River Rock Festival II, Black cultural Center, Tenino, WA (p1) LIVE SHOW: December 31, 1969 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: February 20, 1970 Panther Hall, Fort Worth, TX (p1) LIVE SHOW: February 23, 1970 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: February 23, 1970 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p2) LIVE SHOW: February 24, 1970 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p2) LIVE SHOW: April 3, 1970 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 4, 1970 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 9, 1970 Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 10, 1970 Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA (p1) LIVE SHOW: April 11, 1970 Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 12, 1970 Civic Auditorium, Honolulu, Hawaii (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 13, 1970 Civic Auditorium, Honolulu, Hawaii (p1) LIVE SHOW: June 18, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 19, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 20, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: June 21, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 9, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 10, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 11, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 12, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: September 17, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: September 18, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: September 19, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: September 20, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: October 20, 1970 Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA KSAN quadraphonic simulcast (and rebroadcast on 12-2-70) Tuning / Jam / Fresh Air (8.25) This Girl Was Sleeping (5.44) Subway / stage banter (8.05) What About Me / KSAN promo (8.45) Horns section intro / guitar problems / The Truth (13.15) Call On Me (8.05) (x) Seminole Nation / stage banter (8.32) total time (60.51) LIVE SHOW: March 5, 1971 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p2) LIVE SHOW: March 6, 1971 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (p2) LIVE SHOW: July 3, 1971 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (p2) LIVE SHOW: August 12, 1971 Whisky-A-Go-Go, Los Angeles, CA (p3)![]()
[Top (page index)] [Up] [Down] [Bottom (site index)]BOOKS AND PRINTED MATERIAL: (This is my print reference library.) (I am interested in getting more.)
Hot Wacks Book XV - The Last by ????.
Published by The Hot Wacks Press. Copyright 1992. 802 pages.The Complete Rock Family Trees (Book 1 & 2)
Written, Researched, Drawn by Pete Frame
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1983. 60 pages.The Great Rock Discography (third edition) by M.C.Strong
Published by Omnibus Press. Copyright 1996. 950 pages. Hardbook (oversize).Rock On Film by David Ehrenstein and Bill Reed
Published by Delilah Books. Copyright 1982. 275 pages. Paperback. 483 films. 75 photos.Live Show Listings
Live show listings come from various sources, including the below listed books, visitors to this web site and from other web sites. None of these listings have been verified by me. And just because there was a print advertisement for the show, is no guarantee that there weren't problems which caused the show to be cancelled.(p1) The Art Of Rock - A Spectular Visual And Oral History
Writter: Paul D. Grushkin, Artworks Photographed by Jon Sievert
Published by Artabras. Copyright 1987. 516 pages. Hardback.(p2) The Art Of The Fillmore - The Poster series 1966 - 1971
Writter: Gayle Lemke, Art Research Editor Jacaeber Kastor
Published by Acid Test Productions. Copyright 1997. 240 pages.(p3) 35th Anniversary Whisky-A-Go-Go 1999 Poster Calendar, has reproductions of many of the posters used over the years as well as listings for .
(p4) Get On Down - A Decade Of Rock And Roll Posters Edited By Mick Farren
Published By Big O Publishing. Copyright 1976. 95 pages. Softback.(p5) The Fillmore East Edited By Richard Kostelannetz
Published By Shirmer Books. Copyright 1995. ??? pages (not numbered). Hardback.
[Top (page index)] [Up] [Down] [Bottom (site index)]AUDIO COMPILATIONS:
(I am always interested in expanding my collection.)Commercial Releases
(a1) Quicksilver Messenger Service - 1st album (May 1968 release)
(a2) Happy Trails - 2nd album (March 1969 release)
(a3) Shady Grove - 3rd album (December 1969 release)
(a4) Unreleased - Lost Gold And Silver (1999 release)
Various best of compilations.
Other Material
NONE of these are in my audio collection. Details are from the Hot Wacks Book XV - The Last by ???? as listed above. However, I am interested in getting some of them.
Both details and material.
(q1) CD = Calvary - Vulture CDD 012
(this looks the same as (q8) below)
LIVE SHOW: 1968, Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA
STUDIO SESSION: November 19, 1968, Golden State Recorders
other later shows.(q0) + (q2) LP = First Album Demos + misc live
(q0) STUDIO SESSION: 1966, demos for first album
(q2) LIVE SHOW: 1967
details on both not clear from listing(q3) LP = Live Fillmore East June '68 - Deadland Productions
LIVE SHOW: June 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY(q4) CD = Live In New York - Black Panther - BPCD046
LIVE SHOW: June 3, 1968 Fillmore East, New York City, NY
CD = Prairie Rose - World Productions Of Compact Music - WPOCM CD 0289D015-2
Prairie Rose claims to be June 1968, and has exact same track listing as Live In New York. Are they the same?(q5) CD = Live In San Francisco 1966-1968 - Living Legend Records LLR CD 011
LIVE SHOW: 1966, Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA
LIVE SHOW: June 3, 1968, Fillmore East, New York City, NY
LIVE SHOW: March 1968, Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA(q6) CD = Live In San Jose 1967 - DR 009
LIVE SHOW: 1967 San Jose, CA(q7) LP = Recorded Live In San Jose - Groucho Records - MARX 38502
LIVE SHOW: September 1966, San Jose, CA
LIVE SHOW: October 1966, San Jose, CA(q8) CD = Smokestack Lightning - Moby Dick Records - MDCD 002
(this looks the same as (q1) above)
LIVE SHOW: 1968, Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA
LIVE SHOW: 11-19-68, Golden State Recorders
STUDIO SESSION: 1968/1969 2nd album outtakes(q9) CD = Summer of 1968 - Blue Knight Records BKR3
Exact date and location not seen on liner notes.(qa) CD = New Years Eve - '67-68 - Wild Bird Records WBR CD 891108
Location not seen on liner notes. However, I have seen another list that says this date was Fillmore West.(qb) CD = Smokin' Sound
Photocopy of liner notes I received is almost unreadable. However, I think this is from November 1968 Winterland and August 1968 studio sessions.(qc) CD = Babylon
studio recordings: early 1967 Pacific High Studios, late 1967 Continental Sound Studios, 1969 "Shady Grove" sessions.
Hint! Hint! That means that I would like to get these, as well as any others from this time period.
[Top (page index)] [Up] [Down] [Bottom (site index)]VIDEO COMPILATIONS:
(I am always interested in expanding my collection.)Revolution, a 1969 movie (actually shot in 1967) that has Quicksilver Messenger Service performing two songs on screen. Jim Murray was in the band during filming, but quit the band before they went into the studio to record their two tracks for the soundtrack album.
[Top (page index)] [Up] [Down] [Bottom (site index)]Do you have a Quicksilver Messenger Service related site? Do you want a link from this page? E-Mail me!
I am also interested in getting wider exposure for this site. So links from your site to mine would be appreciated. And if you know of any sites that allow/encourage submission, I would also appreciate knowing about them as well.
Quicksilver Messenger Service official web site, with upcoming shows, ...
Grateful Dead Family Discography: Quicksilver Messenger Service
John Cipollina
John Cipollina "Recoil", John Cipollina in Music and in Memory (new DVDMichael Cross John Cipollina Discography
John Cipollina's other bands and shows (1966-1989) information, cover art, ...
archive.org Live Music Archive (download complete concerts) - John Cipollina
Live365 (internet radio) Radio Cipollina - listen to music while online
Bay Area Bands article from Goldmine, November 3, 1989, John Cipollina: The Life And Death Of San Francisco's Most Prolific Guitarist, by William Ruhlmann
Wolfgang's Vault Link Wray concert from November 19, 1974 at the Winterland in San Francisco, with John Cipollina sitting in.
archive.org Live Music Archive (download complete concerts) - Dinosaurs
HARP Rock and Politics: Not So Strange Bedfellows - Jim Murray
[Top (page index)] [Up] [Down] [Bottom (site index)]This is an experiment. I am listing various classified ads that might be of interest to browsers of this page.
Let me know what you think of this idea?
And if you do order something listed here, let them know you found out about it here.
Also, let me know how this worked out for you.
June 29, 2003.
MusicStack looks like a good source of used music items (LPs, CDs, posters, ...).
As always, let me know what you think.
December 10, 2002.
Back in October 1999 I put up links to CD-Now so that visitors could easily link to the related band pages and instantly see which items were still in print/available for purchase. CD-Now no longer has that option. For the moment I am putting in Amazon.com search boxes. Amazon.com doesn't easily allow for links to individual band pages in the same way that CD-Now used to. So, instead of me being able to create direct links, I have put up the Amazon.com search box instead. So you can still go to a page with the various bands products, buy you now need to go through a search box.As always, let me know what you think.
April 22, 2002.
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QUICKSILVER MESSENGER SERVICE COPYRIGHT NOTICE Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.
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[News] [Record Swap Meets] [Live Show Calendar] [Contests]Band of the month for March 2004: [Raw Power Rangers]
Book review of the month for October 2006: [Skydog - The Duane Allman Story]Bands covered on this site: [Site Map]
Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 06/24/2011 Copyright © 1998 - 2008 by Chrome Oxide
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