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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 02/28/2021
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER Public AppearancesUnder the pen name of Chrome Oxide I write humorous science fiction and fantasy. However, I've been accused of writing murder mysteries since I murder the English language and it's a mystery how I get published.
When people ask why I write humorous science fiction and fantasy, I explain that my reality check bounced.
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California Creative Writers Conference, February 28, 2021 4:45pm
Short Stories for Fun and Profit
4:45pm Short Stories for Fun and Profit
"The last man on Earth hears a knock on the door." Most skills you need to write your novel/trilogy/series can be developed while working on shorter pieces. Writing short stories is the best place to perfect your craft and start your career as an author. Whether it's a high school column, or an epic fantasy short, it's important. Listen and learn from these veterans as they discuss what worked for them, and figure out what works for you. You can also earn money, fame and fortune in the process.Panel participants include:
Laurel Anne Hill
Chrome Oxide
Gary Phillips
Tony Todaro - moderator
top row: Tony Todaro, Chrome Oxide
bottom row: Gary Phillips, Laurel Anne Hill
For the discerning reader, I am selling copies of my recently released 28 Minutes Into The Future, a collection of my humorous science fiction and fantasy short stories.
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER COPYRIGHT NOTICE Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.
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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 02/28/2021 Copyright © 2021 by Chrome Oxide
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