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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 11/09/2019
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER Public AppearancesUnder the pen name of Chrome Oxide I write humorous science fiction and fantasy. However, I've been accused of writing murder mysteries since I murder the English language and it's a mystery how I get published.
When people ask why I write humorous science fiction and fantasy, I explain that my reality check bounced.
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Digital Author & Indie Publishing Conference, November 9, 2019 10:15am
Hilton Double Tree Hotel
6161 W. Centinela Ave.
Culver City, CA 90230
Assembling Anthologies and Getting Small Press Love
Panel participants include:
Madeline Sharples: Moderator, writer
Gary Phillips: writer and VP of content for Stark Raving Group
Joni Labaqui: Contest Director, Writer and Illustrators of the Future
Chrome Oxide: writer
Mike Robinson: writer, editor
Russell Nohelty: writer, small press publisher
M. Todd Gallowglas: writerFor the discerning reader, I am selling copies of my recently released 28 Minutes Into The Future, a collection of my humorous science fiction and fantasy short stories.
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER COPYRIGHT NOTICE Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.
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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 11/09/2019 Copyright © 2019 by Chrome Oxide
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