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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 11/21/2015
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER Public AppearancesUnder the pen name of Chrome Oxide I write humorous science fiction and fantasy. However, I've been accused of writing murder mysteries since I murder the English language and it's a mystery how I get published.
When people ask why I write humorous science fiction and fantasy, I explain that my reality check bounced.
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Shades & Shadows # 13, November 21, 2015
For those of you who missed these readings, Episode 009! is now online and available for your listening pleasure. This is part two of the show. My reading starts at 12:18, but you should listen to the whole evening.
laist Weekend Planner: 20 Things To Do In Los Angeles
One of the 20 things they suggested would be of iinterest to their readers, was to attend the Shades and Shadows reading of November 21.Shades & Shadows # 13 is scheduled for November 21, 2015, the weekend before Thanksgiving. I will be one of six authors reading from their works.
If I am allowed to ask for suggestions from the audience, there is no point in shouting "Get Off The Stage," as that is a work in progress and not yet ready for a public presentation. :-)
Readings by:
Stephen Jay Schwartz
Chrome Oxide
Romina Russell
Taylor Grant
Maureen McHugh
Scott TomasheskiHosted by Lauren Candia!
Book sales by Skylight Books.
buy tickets $11.54 at EventBrite HERE
Doors at 7:30 p.m.
Show at 8:00 p.m.Mimoda Studio (enter through Paper or Plastik Cafe)
5774 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
CHROME OXIDE: WRITER COPYRIGHT NOTICE Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.
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Last updated by Chrome Oxide on 11/21/2015 Copyright © 2012 - 2015 by Chrome Oxide
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